Rotary Club of Bhiwani Haryana - Rotary India

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Republic Day Celebration

Republic Day was celebrated with the students of TIT Sr. Sec School. . .

Youth Development Programme

Students of TIT Sr. Sec. School were given certificates for various. . .

Sawamani & Green Chara Distribution for Needy Cows

Sawamani & Green Chara Distribution for Needy Cows

Mega Health Checkup Camp

Free test health checkup camp organized by Rotary Club and Medanta . . .

Blanket Distribution

Blankets were distributed to children in Swami Vivekananda Resident. . .

Road Safety Awareness

Road Safety Awareness Program conducted in Smt. Uttami Bai Arya Gir. . .

Menstrual Health & Hygiene Awareness

Teachers can encourage girls to share their experiences and feeling. . .

Maternal & Child Health Care

Importance of maternal health A healthy pregnancy is important for . . .

Thalassemia Awareness Program

A Thalassemia Awareness Program not only educates people but also p. . .

Childrens Day Celebration

Rotary Club Bhiwani organized a refreshment party for the children . . .

Water Sanitation & Hygiene Awareness

Sarpanch, village secretary, chowkidar and villagers of different v. . .

Celebrating National Cancer Awareness Day

On the occasion of National Cancer Awareness Day, Cancer Awareness . . .

Celebration of World Polio Day

On World Polio Day, our Rotary Club celebrated with an impactful ev. . .

7 Vaccination Awareness for 1-2 year old child

On 14th October 2024, our Rotary Club held a Vaccination Awareness . . .

Free Bone Mineral Density Test

On 8th October 2024, our Rotary Club organized a free Bone Mineral . . .

Engineers Day Celebration

Many engineers were recognized by our club and given a certificate . . .

Health Checkup Camp

A free medical camp was organised for people at Kajal Nursing Home,. . .

Teachers Day Celebration

Teachers shape the future of our country. Our club facilitated all . . .

Dengue Awareness & Prevention Tips

Dengue Awareness Session was conducted for school students of TIT S. . .

Cyber Security Awareness Program

Students now a days have the maximum exposure to internet these day. . .

Four Way Test Essay Contest

An essay writing contest for school students on the topic Four Way. . .


Under the initiative of the Rotary Club Bhiwani, a tree plantation . . .


Stationary Distribution to needy students at T.I.T Sr.Secondary Sch. . .

Paper Bag Day

International Paper Bag Day was celebrated in T.I.T Sr.Secondary Sc. . .

Doctors Day and CAs Day Celebration

Our club members celebrated Doctors Day and CA Day in Rotary Club B. . .

TB Control Program

Our Rotary Club has initiated a year-long TB control program from J. . .